Inclusive Learning
Inclusion is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity and learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for all learners in Alberta. Alberta’s education system is built on a values-based approach to accepting responsibility for all children and students.
Every learner has unique needs. Some learners have profound and ongoing needs and others have short-term or situation-based needs. This calls for flexible and responsive learning environments that can adapt to the changing needs of learners.
For some learners, the most responsive and flexible learning environment may include:
- instruction and support in a grade-level classroom with same-aged peers
- individualized instruction in smaller group settings
- a specialized classroom or setting
- one-on-one instruction
- a combination of all the above
Flexible and responsive supports include:
- Universal supports – incorporated into the environment for all learners, such as flexible learning resources and technologies, differentiated instruction and positive behaviour supports
- Targeted strategies or interventions – for learners who need more specialized learning opportunities or access to more specialized expertise
- Specialized/Individualized supports – that directly relate to individual learning needs such as the use of sign language interpreters, alternate and augmentative communication systems (ACC), or mental health support
Foothills School Division offers a responsive, meaningful, high-quality learning environment that encourages the social-emotional, behavioural and academic potential of every learner. In support of this inclusive environment and learning for all, FSD has a continuum of strategies, supports and structures that matches student needs with the appropriate levels of support.
Inclusive education is a way of thinking and acting that demonstrates universal acceptance of, and belonging for all students. In Foothills School Division we take collective responsibility for the success of all learners recognizing factors such as abilities, race, gender, culture, socio-economic status, and disability and strive to ensure barriers are removed. Collaborative partnerships with staff, parents and outside agencies ensures that every learner has equity of opportunity to achieve personal excellence.
In ensuring each and every student can achieve personal excellence, Foothills School Division is committed to providing a strong continuum of supports and services for ALL students.
Contact Cora-Leah Schmitt, Director of Inclusive Learning